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Meaning of Life..

 Yesterday a documentary about the James Webb Space Telescope caught my attention. The magnificent telescope is almost three storeys in height, it is both aesthetically pleasing and the mission assigned to it is just as fitting. Nevertheless, one of the leaders of that project when presented with the first ever picture taken by the telescope questioned something that made me feel really sad for him.  During the interview when he first saw the image of the deep fields, he said it made him wonder what the purpose of his life was in this vast grandeur that we observe. It surprised me that a man who is well educated and has a reputable post would be puzzled by the most basic and fundamental question that even an uneducated poor person would ask, what is the purpose of life?  Similarly, another documentary about the men that had the opportunity to visit the space said, when they saw the earth in the vast emptiness of the space, thriving and full of life they just knew that there was a might

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